Where is the Global Economy Headed? The Experts Weigh In
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
I'm writing today after spending the last three days in Boca Raton, Florida, attending The Next Few Years: A Casey Research Summit. If you're not already familiar, the purpose of this summit was to bring together many of the world's top economic and investing minds to share with us where they believe we're headed in the months and years ahead.
The cast of speakers was impressive, to say the least. They brought a variety of view points, an almost overwhelming amount of data and analysis, and a perspective on what the current world means for investors that would be hard to build on. Yet, with all this variety of thought and perspective, one central theme seemed to emerge.
If you're able to see the annihilation of your currency coming down the pike, and you take the right steps to protect your wealth, you can come out on the other side largely unscathed. Given the right investment strategy, you may even be able to grow your wealth significantly during this time.
While I knew this on some level coming into this event – I've been reading Casey Research's work for just a few months now, and this was the first of their events I've attended – I was given pause by Casey CEO Olivier Garret's welcoming remarks.
"While no one can predict the future with complete certainty," he said, "it should give you comfort to know that the faculty for this summit have in common that they correctly anticipated the trends now dominating the global landscape."
When you bring together 35 experts who each correctly predicted what's happened in recent years – while the mainstream media and those who followed it were thrust clueless into "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression" – you have to think that if these 35 experts are in agreement about what lies ahead… it's worth listening. Even if what they're saying has painful implications.
So what's the consensus? What will The Next Few Years bring? Well, hold on to your hat.
The Worst Is Yet to Come
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